Welcome everyone!
After a short holiday The Paranormal Guide Crew are back and now with a bigger and better podcast. This is TPG Podcast 000 in that it falls a little outside of our new series in that it is more of a 'pilot' episode, a dry run and a place where we can come to grips with our new format.
In this episode we introduce ourselves and talk a little about what The Paranormal Guide is. Debbie takes to the streets and asks the public 'With a name like the Paranormal Guide what is it that you think we do?' Debbie does infact get some interesting answers to this question.
Our interview is with Alex Hedge all the way out in Kentucky USA and we talk with him about his new piece of online social media networking built especially for paranormal investigators and those with a paranormal interest.
Listeners question comes from 'John' who asks 'Will The Paranormal Guide always be a free service?' and finally we finish the show with a song by local Adelaide metal band 'Cyclosa'.
It certainly is a big week for our first of the new podcast series. We hope you enjoy!
Links and Info:
Cyclosa: https://www.facebook.com/officialcyclosa
Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782
Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059
Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596
Ghost Hunters United: http://www.ghosthuntersunited.com
And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net
All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod www.incompetech.com
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