Welcome back for another episode of our weekly podcast.
This week we are tackiling the question 'What is a paranormal investigators?' To kick the show off each of the team describe what the label means to them and somewhere Scooby Doo gets mentioned along the way.
Debbie once again hits the streets and asks the public what they think a paranormal investigator does. Debbie gets some very interesting answers ranging from murderous ghosts to electro encephelograms!
This week we interview Attila and Andrea Kaldy from 'Validate' who provide some very interesting insights and actually leave Ash questioning his own definition. It is a great interview so do not miss out!
Our listeners question comes from 'Anonymous' who asks 'As a paranormal investigator what is the most intriguing thing that has taken place on investigation?' A very interesting question and the team come up with some very interesting answers.
'Guilt Free' is the band that plays us out this week ending another massive show!
Links and Info:
Validate: http://www.paranormalnation.com.au
Andrea Kaldy: http://www.andreakaldy.com
Moonlark Media: http://www.moonlarkmedia.com
Guilt Free: https://www.facebook.com/guiltfreeband
Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782
Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies
Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059
Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596
Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/
And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net
All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com
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