The Paranormal Guide

It's a weird, weird world

Debbie Williams

Joined Oct 20 2011
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I love to explore the world around me and hope to do investigations of historic sites around me.  I film for the interest of the site and if I feel, see or notice anything then i can only hope to capture it....I will enjoy looking at this site.


I am an amateur film maker..and love to visit and record the unusual.  I also have a passion for Anthropology and the nature of our being...there are many things to discover about us...and so little time to do it !  I love the Paranormal and the unexplained so open for any exploration..the world is a fascinating just have to look !

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Reply tash
08:51 AM on January 17, 2013 
Hi debbie, l have found a name etc for my "friend"but he is no problem. I should take a few photos and see if i get anything as you said. I have had more anoying ghosts in other houses.
Reply tash
10:27 AM on January 16, 2013 
I moved into my house 17 years ago and always felt some ghost or something in the area of my loo! I never told my kids, but when one of them was little she started to talk of " that guy"in the loo who plays with the door. Many years later l met an old man at dinner who had done a project on my house at school, because it is one of the oldest in the area. He then said " did you know a man died on the loo in that house".when my kids were older l told them and one said "not suprised" the other said " no wonder i have always felt watched on the loo". I have looked into this and a man did have a heart attack and die on our loo.
Reply Ghosthunt
09:11 PM on December 17, 2012 
Thank you i sure will enjoy it :)
Reply lpdevotee
03:31 AM on December 12, 2012 
also in my hometown of littleton, colorado - i've seen several human like figures out of the corner of my eye near the littleton cemetary then they were gone, but i described one that i had seen - which was a little girl, and i described her in entirety and my mother gasped and said that's how my mother's mother (my grandmother) dressed and looked when she was a little girl. I'd never met her before she passed away much less seen a photograph of her as a child before but when she showed me her picture i was stunned. hope you are doing well, and thanks for the welcome message! i hope to contribute many things here along the way.
Reply lpdevotee
03:29 AM on December 12, 2012 
My favorites have been mostly stories from Gettysburg, and apparently there are still spirits wandering there! which is extremely fascinating and no surprise really. another from St. Augustine, I had a personal experience where I saw a few things out of the corner of my eye - then they were gone, and I have a photograph that i'd like to share with you guys that's not faked or hoaxed. It's straight from my camera phone and not edited in any way, that was taken near the st augustine florida cemetary. Another folklore legned i've always been intrigued by is the bermuda triangle. kind of cliche i suppose but still fascinating.
Reply Bozza
06:15 AM on December 09, 2012 
Thank you :)
Reply Your stalker
10:54 PM on November 25, 2012 
Thankyou dearie it is an uptmost honour to join such a fascinating site....what caught my eye is hoaxes fakes frauds and whilst unsolved misteries and murders are curious subject matter...forgive me but...I fail to see how that falls under paranormal. ....yus I hope to share my expieriances....once I have them hehe
Reply Heather Lamantia
08:35 PM on November 15, 2012 
Thank you for the warm welcome Debbie. The US does have a rich history, my favorite being the American Civil War.
Reply wiccan74
05:34 AM on August 15, 2012 
Thank you Debbie for the nice welcome and im planing to be an active member on here as i have been making some posts on the facebook page.
Reply Ashley Hall
02:07 AM on October 20, 2011 
Awesome, welcome aboard!